Saginaw, MI (Wednesday, December 23, 2020) - It’s really hard to believe the snow is falling and Christmas time is here. It seems like it was just yesterday that we were sitting in the stands at Merritt Speedway for their season opener.
With the sleigh bells ringing and the snow glistening, I decided to sit down and pen my version of a race fans/racers Christmas wish list. They are listed below in no particular order. While some are just wishful thinking, most could come true with some effort.
*Rules would be the same from track to track
*Transponders and the scoring systems to run them would be at every track
*Blowers/vacuums for every track safety crew (too much kitty litter is bad)
*Better speaker systems for every track
*Better lighting systems at every track
*Four classes racing per night max
*Local TV stations would do positive stories on local auto racing
*All tracks would attempt video packages like Berlin Raceway
*Keyboard warriors would offer solutions rather than jumping on social media and bashing race tracks and series’ or officials
*Better marketing for all tracks (schedules/flyers at all local businesses)
*A state championship race for dirt and pavement racers
*All tracks can open in 2021 with no restrictions and no masks
*My shirt size is XL and information on an iRacing subscription renewal can be found at iracing.com…..just kidding!
From the Darling family to yours, we hope you all have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year! If you care to share your Christmas wish list with me, you can drop me an email at mstrcceo88@gmail.com or shoot me a message on Facebook and I may include it in future writings.